Friday, October 30

Halloween, Samhain & the Druids

This time of year is said to mark the moments when the veils

between the living and the dead are thinnest.

Halloween - derived from the Celtic festival of Samhain.

This season was the beginning of the New Year (and winter) in many rural areas of Europe. This was one of the great fire festivals and marked the beginning of winter.

The actual time of transition, from sundown on Samhain to sundown the following day, was a "thin place" in the Celtic world, a place
Moving Between the Worlds

between-the-worlds where deep insights could pass more easily to those who were open to them. In addition to inspiration, through the portals could also pass beings of wisdom, fun, and play (and some of these played rough, requiring common sense and real caution on the part of mortals).

It was believed that on this night the gates between life and death were open - or at least poorly guarded. Part of the role of the Druid priests was to protect the people from the spirits who might cross over. Placating such spirits is thought to have been the origin of the trick or treat tradition.

Wednesday, October 21

Mini Monk Seal Pup planter with micro orchids

. . . one of those items that said, "Take me home," and of course I did.

Bought it at the Sunset School Farmers Market last Saturday.Micro orchids and what a sweet little planter!

Jigs likes it too

Tuesday, October 20

Wednesday, October 14

Flying H i g h ~ ~ ~

Paul, Tyson, Amber and I took an early morning helicopter flight up the Windward Coast and back to Turtle Bay Resort, and thanks to our great Paradise Helicopter pilot, I didn't feel queasy at all!

The Best!

and Back On Earth . . .

Friday, October 9

You need vitamin D, not a vaccine, & Judge Halts Mandatory Flu Vaccines

"Your body doesn't need a vaccine to combat the swine flu (or seasonal flu, for that matter). What it needs is vitamin D, restful sleep, adequate hydration with clean water, and good nutrition. These things make the vaccine obsolete.

With sufficient levels of vitamin D in your blood, your immune system will do its job to protect you from swine flu, bird flu, human flu or even the pandemic infectious nonsense being spread around by the CDC, FDA and WHO. Your immune system has all the technology it needs right now to keep you alive from almost any widely-circulating microorganism... as
long as it has the biochemical tools (like vitamin D) to "activate" its adaptive response."


16 Oct 2009: Judge Halts Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Health Care Workers A judge on Friday morning halted enforcement of a New York State directive requiring that all health care workers be vaccinated for the seasonal flu and swine flu. The temporary restraining order by the judge, Thomas J. McNamara, an acting justice of the State Supreme Court in Albany, comes amid a growing debate about the [squalene-laden, mercury-filled, Polysorbate 80-laced] flu vaccine.

Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire

and one more Excellent Site with lots of Flu Vaccine info

Tuesday, October 6

Hawaiian Monk Seal Mama and her little Pup

Remembering the Little Ones

Lost from nets adrift in our Ocean

Waiting for more births to give us a smile again, with hope that the future little ones have long lives

click photos for more Hawaiian Monk Seal images

Monday, October 5

Manuka Honey in Every Cupboard

Recently a friend told me about an acquaintance of hers who had recently returned from serving in Iraq where she caught MRSA, as many in our military do, too many.

MRSA is a virulent staph infection, that so far antibiotics can't cure, limbs are amputated, people sometimes die from it. Maybe that's why MRSA isn't talked about much.

I searched for information and found that there IS a CURE. It's important to talk about a proven treatment for these horrible ulcerations that people often continue to get once month!

This young woman was having her infections lanced - leaving her with terrible scars. MRSA is killing people and it's unfortunate that oftentimes our Western medicine closes its eyes to natural remedies

Manuka Honey has been used for centuries to heal many ailments.

Manuka Honey
  • Raw Active Manuka Honey: Clean the area first and dab a bit raw active Manuka Honey on the wart, then spread some on a bandage and cover the wart. This will keep it on the skin longer and won't be so messy. Repeat daily and change the bandage. This will usually take about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.

Honey Therapy Could Give Diabetics Hope when Facing Possible Amputations

Manuka honey is useful for ALL wounds.

* * Find it at Celestial Natural Foods in Hale'iwa.

The use of honey as a wound dressing material, an ancient remedy that has been rediscovered, is becoming of increasing interest as more reports of its effectiveness are published.

Sunday, October 4

Had your Papaya for Breakfast Today?

If you could only eat one fruit, the papaya should be it.

Pound for pound, papayas contain more vitamin A than apricots, more vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than a banana.

Papaya enzymes:
*Aid digestion
*Reduce risk of lung cancer
*Enhance fat burning