People of Hawaii Pass Resolution Against Forced Vaccination
The Hawaii Tribune Herald tried to bury the news of the Resolution in its December 4 story titled, "Flu Mist Is Better than No Vaccine." But online blogs and news watchers picked it up. Across the Internet, the resolution’s sponsor, Hawaii County councilwoman Emily Naeole-Beason, has been quoted as saying,“This is a victory for health freedom, common sense, and US constitutional entitlements. I am very proud of our Council who put public safety ahead of special interests.”
"On Wednesday, the Hawaii County Council approved by a 7-1 vote a resolution introduced by Puna Councilwoman Emily Naeole-Beason urging Hawaii's state legislators and congressional delegation to "amend vaccine laws to include the right of medical, religious, and philosophical exemption from any vaccination program." Chairman J Yoshimoto cast the only "nay" vote, with Ka'u Councilman Guy Enriques absent.continue reading
The resolution states "there is insufficient scientific evidence proving that vaccines are safe or effective, therefore it is not in the best interest of public health to recommend vaccinations without exemption." - Hawaii Tribune Herald